Happy Valley Oregon DUI Attorney
Located in Clackamas County, Happy Valley Oregon was once called “Cristilla Valley” since it was named after Cristian and Matilda Deardorff, the areas first residents, but the name was later changed to reflect the town name that its residents know and love today.
With a population of just over 21,000, Happy Valley can certainly be considered to be one of the fastest growing towns in the Portland Oregon area but with that growth has also come more automobile accidents including accidents which were attributed to Driving Under the Influence (DUI). The reality about DUI’s is that they can be a “nightmare” for everyone involved. Thankfully, help is available in the Happy Valley Area thanks to the Gilroy, Napoli, Short Law Group
Call us today at 503-747-7198 for a free consultation with a lawyer.
First-Time DUI Offenders
Have you just been arrested for DUI? We know that it can be very troubling after being arrested because you also face a possible conviction as well. The good news is that you don’t have to face the legal system alone.
When you hire a Happy Valley Oregon DUI Attorney like our law firm, we will ensure that your rights as a resident of the area are well-represented and that you receive the best possible guidance and legal advice from one of our highly trained DUI attorney’s.
You Don’t Have to Sign the Plea Deal
One common misconception that many people face after being arrested for DUI for the first time is that they have to sign the plea deal which has been offered to them by the police. Sadly, many people think the plea deal is their only option available but the reality is that you have more options than you think!
When you hire a Happy Valley Oregon DUI Attorney, you can count on us to represent your best interests and present all of the options available to you, just so you won’t make the mistake of signing your rights away and regretting it later.
Choose an Expert DUI Defense Attorney
When facing a possible DUI conviction, it’s important for you to know that not all DUI lawyers have the same experience when it comes to dealing with criminal defense or DUI charges. This is why when you’re searching for a lawyer you should always choose a DUI attorney in a Happy valley whose primary focus is dealing with criminal charges, and they should also have a high success rate with having DUI charges overthrown.
Don’t Settle for An Out of State Attorney
Although you may be tempted to hire a DUI attorney who is based out of state, the reality is that if it’s not a Happy Valley DUI attorney, they won’t be familiar with our local laws. Every state has different local laws for DUI charges especially when they are related to repeat offenders and first-time offenders.
You owe it to yourself to hire a lawyer that is locally based, especially if you’re serious about having your best interests represented in court because a DUI attorney from the Happy Valley area will know the local laws, come up with the best arguments to help you win your court case, and ultimately get your conviction reduced / expunged from your records.
Free Consultation — Contact Gilroy Napoli Short Law Group
Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation and discover your legal options. You may call the Gilroy Napoli Short Law Group at 503-747-7198. We represent people in Portland, Salem, Beaverton, Hillsboro and elsewhere in Oregon.
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Call Today For A Free Consultation: 503-747-7198